My New Exhibition Collection Covering 20 Years In Ethiopia

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Inspired by observing cultural and political diversity in his daily life, Benjamin Dome began his photographic career capturing 'real life' portraits of people and their stories.

At the age of 21, he was one of the youngest war photographers covering the Israel-Palestine conflict

Benjamin continued to work as a photographer for top worldwide publications, newspapers and agencies, including world-renowned Getty Images.

Having been given the opportunity by Dr. David Turton, world-leading anthropologist, former Director of the Refugee Studies Centre and currently Senior Research Fellow for the African Studies Centre at the University of Oxford, Benjamin went on a unique journey through Southern Ethiopia, experiencing life with the Mursi Tribe.

This opportunity to experience life with the Mursi enabled Benjamin to build a longterm connection with the members of the tribe. He has continued seizing intimate images of their culture and community over the past two decades.

Benjamin has kept on traveling and exploring the world, continuously connecting with the people who call it home. The galleries on this site give a look into the vast collection of projects and photos Benjamin has captured over the years. He is looking forward to sharing both past and future projects through the galleries on this site, adding to this ever-growing collection.

Special thanks to Dr. David Turton, The Mursi Tribe, Canon and Kodak for their continued support.



Benjamin Dome

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